The Tin Shed
You walk onto the A.F.L. grounds at Murray Stadium when you come from the car park, through the ticket gate and straight ahead there is a tin shed with a sign that states Curra Swans Football Club.
This shed was built by loving hands at a price that could be afforded, by volunteers.
It leaks outside when it rains and its hot inside when the sun shines.
Inside its not very flash with a lot of old photos on the wall and in a corner a shelf with some old and some new sporting Cups.
There are honor boards on the walls which show the names of some of the people that helped in years past.
Past Presidents, Captains and Life Members and the like.
Football ghosts from the past.
Up one end is a small canteen where the ladies and Eric cheerfully sell their food just to make a few bob for the Club.
There is a television on the wall sometimes showing A.F.L. games sometimes with cartoons going keeping the youngsters quiet.
The pool table is seldom used as a pool table.
At the other end is a small bar where Stewy sells the drinks.
Its nowhere as big or as flash as some clubs I have been involved in.
We are not as financial as the big boys down South.
We dont have big crowds.
We talk about how if we win the Lottery we will fix things and make them right.
Let me say this:
Those old photos on the wall, they are our history, our past.
They are the legacy left to us by players past and present. (Juniors and Seniors).
The Cups are part of our heritage, donated to us by people whom cared deeply for our club and the clubs of the past, South Townsville and Currajong and Alligator Creek.
The people in the club are as passionate as any where else.
Its more than a Tin shed to me.
Its Curra Swans Football Club.
I Love It.
Bob Hillier. 2006.